Control Flow¶
We previously looked at classes, functions, and interfaces. Now we actually get into programming logic. And we'll still use the Temper REPL for now:
temper repl
We can also start with a variation of our types from before. You can paste this all at once. The REPL will see it as multiple inputs:
interface Shape {
area(): Float64;
perimeter(): Float64;
toString(): String;
class Rectangle(
public width: Float64,
public height: Float64,
) extends Shape {
public area(): Float64 { width * height }
public perimeter(): Float64 { 2.0 * (width + height) }
public toString(): String {
"Rectangle of size ${width.toString()} x ${height.toString()}"
let tau = 2.0 * Float64.pi;
class Circle(
public radius: Float64,
) extends Shape {
public area(): Float64 { 0.5 * tau * radius * radius }
public perimeter(): Float64 { tau * radius }
public toString(): String { "Circle of radius ${radius.toString()}" }
Anonymous function blocks¶
Let's also get ourselves some shapes to work with:
let shapes: List<Shape> = [{ width: 1.5, height: 0.5 }, { radius: 2.0 }];
And as we showed before, we can convert them all to strings using the map
method of List
(and see issue#21 for some
on return type inference):
// In this case for now, we don't yet infer block return type `String`.
$ { (shape): String;; shape.toString() }
interactive#5: ["Rectangle of size 1.5 x 0.5","Circle of radius 2.0"]
That { (shape): String;; ... }
syntax actually is shorthand for an explicit
anonymous function:
// We can also spell out parameter type `fn (shape: Shape): ...` if we want.
$ (shape): String { shape.toString() })
interactive#6: ["Rectangle of size 1.5 x 0.5","Circle of radius 2.0"]
And top-level let
function definitions are also shorthand for fn
// These two forms are roughly equivalent.
let areaPerPerimeter(shape: Shape): Float64 {
shape.area() / shape.perimeter()
// This version just doesn't carry the name metadata on the function object.
let areaPerPerimeter = fn (shape: Shape): Float64 {
shape.area() / shape.perimeter()
You can also call back to function parameters in your own functions:
let mapAreas(
shapes: List<Shape>,
transform: fn (Float64): Float64,
): List<Float64> {
// Note the call to parameter `transform` in here. { (shape): Float64;; transform(shape.area()) }
We can use that function like so:
// Here, the block return type is presently correctly inferred as Float64.
$ mapAreas(shapes) { (area);; 2.0 * area }
interactive#14: [1.5,25.132741228718345]
Or in other words, fn
is very versatile in Temper, even though the fn
keyword is often unseen outside of function types.
In fact, anonymous implied fn
blocks are so pervasive in Temper that the
internal handling of most common control structures is through such function
blocks. Internal control macros such as if
or while
transform them into
standard flow control for backend language translation. And in the future, we
plan to support user-defined macros that can also transform function blocks in
custom ways (see issue#8). But for now, they already can easily be used as
function callbacks, such as seen in the mapAreas
example above.
Well, we've had a lot of fun with functional code above. Let's try out some
imperative looping instead, beginning with C-style for
// Type `Int` can be inferred here, but be explicit so we see the type.
for (var i: Int = 0; i < shapes.length; i += 1) {
// Don't use `console.log` for stdout, just for exploration or logging.
Here's the output, given our earlier list of shapes:
Rectangle of size 1.5 x 0.5
Circle of radius 2.0
interactive#15: void
First, yes Temper has C-style for
loops at present, and they might stay. We're
currently working out a good iterator strategy and expect to support some "for
each" imperative looping capability in the future (see issue#20). Second, as
mentioned above, console.log
isn't intended for library code but for exploring
behavior and for logging. Third, yes, Temper does have ints.
Unlike Float64
, we don't mention a bit size on Int
. That's because different
backend languages have different int sizes. Some want 64 bits, some 32, some
vary by hardware, some automatically convert to "big" integers, and various
other options also exist. And how that relates to array indexing also matters.
Temper needs to support all these languages while providing reliable semantics.
Temper Int
is signed, and it uses the preferred backend size. We may likely
implement checked arithmetic for reliable overflow handling, but that's not
done yet (see issue#4). And best is to avoid integer arithmetic when you
But back to imperative loops, in addition to for
, Temper also has while
loops. For now, let's just convert the loop above to while
// This `do` block eases putting multiple statements in one REPL input.
do {
// Remember, `var` lets us reassign variables.
var i = 0;
while (i < shapes.length) {
i += 1; // `++i` and `i++` also exist
While standalone do
blocks might be new, there's no real surprise with while
loop behavior. Temper also has do ... while
loops. But to be more surprising
maybe, let's rewrite the above using explicit fn
function blocks as described
do(fn () {
var i = 0;
// Without parameters, `()` after `fn` is optional.
while(i < shapes.length, fn {
i += 1;
Using implied trailing function blocks or explicit fn
acts the same. Going
into Temper's built-in while
macro, one is just syntactic sugar for the other.
Both translate to a while
loop in Java, JS, or Python. In most cases, trailing
blocks are clearer to read and write.
To look closer at Temper's handling of various syntax forms, try using the
REPL function mentioned earlier but with
to see an earlier stage of processing. Or
try the translate
function, or enter help()
for more info.
Temper has if-else chains (which also are syntactic sugar for macro calls with
blocks): { (shape): String;;
let area = shape.area();
// Yes, if-else also is an expression with a value.
if (area < 1.0) {
} else if (area < 10.0) {
} else {
// Result: ["small","large"]
In place of switch
, Temper has when
let lengthSuffix(length: Int): String {
when (length) {
1 -> "";
0, 2 -> "s";
// Numbers less than 0 or greater than 2 exist?
else -> "s???";
"I have ${shapes.length.toString()} shape${lengthSuffix(shapes.length)}"
// Result: "I have 2 shapes"
You can also match types by using is
(and see issue#25 on exhaustiveness
let squaredExtent(shape: Shape): Float64 {
when (shape) {
// On the right side of `->`, the `shape` variable is auto downcast.
is Circle -> shape.radius * shape.radius;
// Use a `do` block for multiple statements in the result expression.
is Rectangle -> do {
let { width, height } = shape;
(width * width + height * height) / 4.0
// Because another type could be added later.
else -> NaN;
} { (shape): Float64;; squaredExtent(shape) }
// Result: [0.625,4.0]
You can include both is
type checks with plain value checks in a when
block. And yes, we do intend to support full pattern matching in the future.
Just not done yet (see issue#3).
WARNING: On the topic of type casts, not all backend languages have full
type tag information in all cases. For example, Float64
and Int
mostly indistinguishable on JS. Such cases are marked @mayDowncastTo(false)
their definitions.
Handling cases that bubble¶
There's one other important form of control flow in Temper that we should
discuss, and that's Temper's variation on error handling. Temper needs
to support languages whose standard idioms use either return values or exception
handling. To support this, it has a simple Bubble
type. When unhandled, it
manifests in the REPL with a simple fail
$ shapes[0]
interactive#30: {class: Rectangle__0, width: 1.5, height: 0.5}
$ shapes[1]
interactive#31: {class: Circle__0, radius: 2.0}
$ shapes[2]
interactive#32: fail
That last one failed because there are only 2 shapes in our array. Temper has a
simple way to handle Bubble
// The value after `orelse` is used when the lefthand side is `Bubble`.
$ shapes[2] orelse ({ radius: 1.0 })
interactive#33: {class: Circle__0, radius: 1.0}
We can use this in our own functions as well. For example, we adjust our length suffix function from earlier:
// Note the `| Bubble` on the type here.
let lengthSuffix(length: Int): String | Bubble {
when (length) {
1 -> "";
0, 2 -> "s";
// Just weird out because we're expecting lengths here.
else -> bubble();
[0, 1, 2, -1].map { (n): String;; lengthSuffix(n) }
// Result: fail
In this case, the whole map call fails because of a single Bubble
inside of
it. Let's handle that case:
$ [0, 1, 2, -1].map { (n): String;; lengthSuffix(n) orelse "s???" }
interactive#36: ["s","","s","s???"]
Some details on Bubble
propagation still need to be worked out on backends,
and some of the handling can be improved, but the basic mechanism is in place.
Also, we currently have no capabilities to handle resources other than memory, so we don't yet have a way to manage automatic closing of resources (see issue#24). As for memory management itself, we'll discuss that later. It gets interesting across backend languages, and Temper needs to handle that.
But for now, let's move out of the REPL and into source files and libraries.
- NEXT: Modules & Libraries
- PREVIOUS: Interfaces
- Reference: Builtins, Types