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Classes & Functions

Temper enables rich type definitions for use from different languages. It does this through class and interface definitions as well as plans for enums in the future (see issue#50). Temper also enables rich behavior with both class-level methods and top-level functions. Let's learn about it!


These tutorials assume some programming experience. The focus is on Temper syntax and semantics rather than teaching a first programming language.

Classes with properties

Imagine we want to build a library for managing simple geometric shapes. Such a library might be useful in a variety of graphical applications.

But before we build more libraries, let's learn some Temper basics, and for that, it will be easier to use an interactive console. Start up the Temper read-evaluate-print-loop (REPL) console like so:

temper repl
# And wait for the `$` prompt.

If needed, see also the tutorial on getting started with Temper.

The Temper REPL evaluates arbitrary Temper code, including simple math:

$ 1 + 2
interactive#0: 3
$ 1 + 2;
interactive#1: void

Note, above, a trailing semicolon evaluates as void.

Now that we've seen how the REPL works, copy and paste the following code into it:

class Rectangle(
  // Currently, the only float type in Temper is Float64.
  public width: Float64,
  public height: Float64,
) {}

Hitting enter evaluates the class definition in the Temper interpreter, which is separate from any backend language (such as Java, JS, or Python). You should see output such as the following:

interactive#2: Rectangle__0/*new*/

Now we can create new Rectangle instances:

// Positional also works, as in: `new Rectangle(1.5, 0.5)`
$ new Rectangle(width = 1.5, height = 0.5)
interactive#3: {class: Rectangle__0, width: 1.5, height: 0.5}

The numeric suffixes, such as __0, provide internally unique names for diagnosis but aren't the publicly usable names, so continue to exclude them when providing new inputs.

On the other hand, the JSON-like representation we see above is supported by Temper as an alternative for calling class constructors. We call this syntax "property bags":

// Feel free to try out this form.
{ class: Rectangle, width: 1.5, height: 0.5 }
// If property names identify a unique constructor, the class name is optional.
{ width: 1.5, height: 0.5 }

If we assign an instance to a variable, we can then work with the properties.

$ let box = { width: 1.5, height: 0.5 };
interactive#6: void
$ box.width + box.height
interactive#7: 2.0

We can also destructure the values into local variables:

// Note that nested destructuring isn't supported yet, but renaming works.
$ let { width, height as h } = box;
interactive#8: void
$ width
interactive#9: 1.5
$ h
interactive#10: 0.5
$ { height: h * 2.5, width } // shorthand "punning" for `width: width`
interactive#11: {class: Rectangle__0, width: 1.5, height: 1.25}
$ [width, h] // `List` literal, a type we'll see more of later
interactive#12: [1.5,0.5]

Also, note that variables defined with let can't be reassigned.

$ h = 1.0;
1: h = 1.0;
[interactive#13:1+0-1]: Cannot set const h__3 again
interactive#13: fail

To allow reassignment, use var instead of let (although var doesn't work across different entries in the REPL). We could also define our class properties as public var width and so on if we want mutable contents. On the whole, Temper favors immutable data, but mutable is still available.

Feel free to exit the REPL using Ctrl+D and restart it at any time to clean up the state. But you also can redefine over old names if you want, such as by using a full let or class declaration.

Class methods and top-level functions

It's not fun to call something a class that only has data storage, so let's redefine our Rectangle type and add methods to it (see issue#22 on automating .toString()):

class Rectangle(
  public width: Float64,
  public height: Float64,
) {
  public area(): Float64 {
    width * height

  // Using `get` allows later "getter" usage without `()` syntax, even if
  // inconsistency between `area` and `perimeter` is likely unwise.
  public get perimeter(): Float64 {
    2.0 * (width + height)

  public scaled(by: Float64): Rectangle {
    // If multiple `Rectangle` definitions exist in the REPL, being explicit
    // here with the type name can help for now.
    { class: Rectangle, width: by * width, height: by * height }

  public toString(): String {
    // We plan to automate calling `.toString()` here in the future.
    "Rectangle of size ${width.toString()} x ${height.toString()}"

Now let's call some methods:

$ let box = { width: 1.5, height: 0.5 };
interactive#1: void
$ box.area()
interactive#2: 0.75
$ box.perimeter // no parens because getter
interactive#3: 4.0
$ box.scaled(by = 3.0) // arg name still optional
interactive#4: {class: Rectangle__0, width: 4.5, height: 1.5}
$ "Here's a ${box.scaled(2.0).toString()}"
interactive#5: "Here's a Rectangle of size 3.0 x 1.0"

Temper also has top-level functions. Let's make one:

// Function definitions use `let` just like variables.
let areaPerPerimeter(rectangle: Rectangle): Float64 {
  // Destructuring works on any getter.
  let { perimeter } = rectangle;
  rectangle.area() / perimeter

And we can try it out:

$ areaPerPerimeter(box)
interactive#7: 0.1875
$ areaPerPerimeter({ width: 1.0, height: 1.0 })
interactive#8: 0.25

Backend translation

All the evaluation above is done in Temper's own interpreter, but the REPL also lets us sneak a peek into backend translation. Let's say our definition for areaPerPerimeter above was input #6 with this output:

$ let areaPerPerimeter(rectangle: Rectangle): Float64 {
    // Destructuring works on any getter as well as simple properties.
    let { perimeter } = rectangle;
    rectangle.area() / perimeter
interactive#6: void

We can use that to get translations into different backends. For example:

$ translate(6, "csharp")
Translated csharp for interactive#6 ...
$ translate(6, "java")
Translated java for interactive#6 ...
$ translate(6, "js")
Translated js for interactive#6 ...
$ translate(6, "lua")
Translated lua for interactive#6 ...
$ translate(6, "py")
Translated py for interactive#6 ...

The translations are rather messy, and the REPL does its best guess of what to include for context. Focus for now on just the definition of areaPerPerimeter for each of those backends. The translations look something like this:

public static double AreaPerPerimeter(Rectangle rectangle__3)
    Rectangle t___0 = rectangle__3;
    double perimeter__5 = t___0.Perimeter;
    return rectangle__3.Area() / perimeter__5;
public static double areaPerPerimeter(Rectangle rectangle__3) {
    Rectangle t_0 = rectangle__3;
    double perimeter__5 = t_0.getPerimeter();
    return rectangle__3.area() / perimeter__5;
 * @param {Rectangle_5} rectangle_2
 * @returns {number}
export function areaPerPerimeter(rectangle_2) {
  const t_3 = rectangle_2;
  const perimeter_4 = t_3.perimeter;
  return rectangle_2.area() / perimeter_4;
areaPerPerimeter = function(rectangle__3)
  local t_0, perimeter__5;
  t_0 = rectangle__3;
  perimeter__5 = t_0.perimeter;
  return temper.fdiv(rectangle__3:area(), perimeter__5);
def area_per_perimeter(rectangle__3: 'Any0') -> 'float1':
  t_0: 'Any0' = rectangle__3
  perimeter__5: 'float1' = t_0.perimeter
  return rectangle__3.area() / perimeter__5

We can clean up REPL translation output further in the future (and see also issue#34 about the 'Any0' type), but the translate helper function is already useful to get an idea of what kinds of translations Temper makes today. Going back to the getting started tutorial, you can also look at the output of temper build for each backend when you're building Temper source files as a library.

More on translation

That Python function heading above says def area_per_perimeter(rectangle__3: 'Any0') -> 'float1'. The name area_per_perimeter properly uses snake case for Python, but what's with that rectangle__3 parameter name? It looks hard to use as a named argument. That's true. Temper defaults to using certain hints about the decisions it makes, which includes guessing when a parameter should be made friendly for named use on a backend. Specifics might change in future releases of Temper.

We'll get more detail on this case later. We also intend to provide more capabilities to Temper over time to customize how backend translation makes its decisions.

For further exploration, try translating the class definition itself and compare the translations of area() and get perimeter() or the properties width and height.

When you're done exploring here, let's move on to interface definitions.